2009年6月6日 星期六


終於查到原來係馬代隨處可見嘅呢舊野,唔係海牛 (sea slug),而係 snail,叫 Coriocella Nigra ,佢嘅皮包住個殼,可生長至十厘米。

而呢隻係菲律賓 Malapascua 見到嘅,都係呢類。

3 則留言:

  1. 好似唔係生物咁

  2. 好似海星同海深的混合體哦!

  3. yes. ah... it is a snail.  I have a picture of it that I found this in Cebu Mactan Island beach.
    very smart wor.. You found the scientific name
    how long it take for you to find.
    I used almost 2 hour to find its correct name last time.
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 09:15:00]didn't take long this time, as when I saw a picture with its name of a similar spieces some time ago, I have save a record of it.  So I easily refer to the record and go online to check the details for it.
