2008年5月30日 星期五








2008年5月25日 星期日


第三次練習521日.有件新衫 4/5 mm,我唔怕凍lu!

因為對舊Boot後踭爛爛地,所以買咗對新Boot.點知正式落水時發覺大過頭(係Dive shop買果陣明明覺得5號就太fit,所以買6號鬆鬆地,以為啱啦!)對腳係個鞋裡面“浪”下“浪”下,不但控制唔到對Fin,仲幾乎抽筋潻!唯有集中練bouyance,諗住自己係一條魚,乜都唔郁咁定係到.D師兄已經做梗drill 啦,唉!我同自己講慢慢尼啦!

今次覺得比較定,起碼冇好似上次咁上上落落上上落落.不過,”臨尾香”大力過頭連個l valve都扯難埋!唉!

Debriefing 時亞sir話我好似冇晒興趣咁,問我仲玩唔玩,我話梗係繼續玩啦.不過如果去詩巴丹果陣仲未得,我就唔會免強入洞,無謂累人!


2008年5月13日 星期二


以前,考完A仔,我亞sir問過我地覺得潛水乜野最難,我記得當時我話係Fin. 因為覺得好花氣力,自己氣力又唔夠,特別遇到頂流,Fin來 Fin去都好似唔去咁.但亞sir 話係Buoyancy 最難.

現在覺得佢好有道理,因為原來 Buoyancy 控制得好係好重要!最重要是不會炒底,撞死D珊瑚,又或者挍到D水濁晒!盡量用個肺嚟控制升降,唔洗又bump氣又放氣,咁就會好慳氣,就可以潛得耐D.Buoyancy 控制得好,睇野同影野都輕鬆D,呼口氣就落去睇野,睇完吸口氣就走.唔洗手手腳腳郁晒.再加上個 trim做得唔阻水,浮平D個人,咁就既慳氣又慳力.

Better Buoyancy

One of the key traits of an experienced diver, good buoyancy control is necessary to avoid damage to the coral we all pay so much to see, and to prevent uncontrolled ascents. It also allows you to relax and to reduce your air consumption. Do this:

1. Make small changes. And then wait for them to take effect. Are you sinking? Add a short burst of air to your BC and wait five or 10 seconds to see what happens. Even if you added exactly the right amount of air, it can take that long for the extra buoyancy to arrest your downward momentum and bring you to a stop.

One of the most common mistakes is to keep adding air to your BC until you begin to feel a change. By that time, you have almost certainly added too much air to your BC and will have to dump much of it. If you keep dumping until you again feel that you're not rising, you will have dumped too much. You can continue to yo-yo around perfect buoyancy all day.

Obviously, you have to use some judgment here. If you are very heavy and sinking fast, you will have to act more aggressively to stop your descent. That's even more true if you are ascending rapidly. But most of the time, most divers miss neutral buoyancy because they over-correct.

2. Minimize your weighting. Too much lead on your weight belt means you'll carry too much air in your BC to neutralize it. That would not be a big problem if your depth remained constant, but it doesn't. When you ascend, the air in your BC expands and becomes more buoyant, accelerating your ascent. When you descend, the air compresses and becomes less buoyant, accelerating your descent.

Neutral buoyancy is like the flat spot on a hilltop where a ball will not roll. Once it's pushed from that spot in either direction, however, it gains speed. Too much lead on your weight belt, and therefore too much air in your BC, makes the flat spot smaller and the slope on each side steeper.

The correct amount of weight is that which makes you neutral at 15 feet with an empty BC and nearly empty tank--so that you can comfortably hover at your safety stop. That means you'll have to be about four or five pounds heavy at the beginning of the dive. (The difference is the weight of air you use during the dive.)

3. Use your lungs. Once you've found neutral buoyancy, don't mess with it. Instead of adding air to your BC to make temporary changes--to hop over a boulder in your path, for example--add air to your lungs. Breathing from lungs mostly full can give you as much as two pounds more buoyancy than breathing from mostly empty lungs. Don't hold your breath by closing your throat, however. Maintain the greater lung volume with your chest muscles.

4. Anticipate buoyancy changes. Your buoyancy will increase the moment you start ascending, so begin venting your BC immediately. If you wait until you sense positive buoyancy, you will be playing catch-up and will probably find yourself over-correcting.

Likewise, you know that your BC and your exposure suit will compress as you descend, making you more negative. Add small amounts of air to your BC soon after you begin your descent so you don't become too negative.

As you breathe down your tank, you will become four to six pounds more positive by the end of your dive. Anticipate this, and vent small amounts of air from your BC to adjust for it.

5. Relax. Anxiety usually reveals itself in constant sculling with the hands and minor finning. In the normal, face-down diving attitude, this usually results in upward thrust. That upward thrust has to be balanced by additional lead on the weight belt, which is one reason why inexperienced divers are so often over-weighted. They think they are neutrally buoyant because they maintain a constant depth, but in fact they are constantly swimming upward.

You will never know if you are in fact neutrally buoyant until you can completely relax in the water. One test is called the "Buddha hover": sit cross-legged holding your fin tips (that keeps both hands and feet occupied). If you're neutral, you can ascend or descend by changing your lung inflation.

But Never Do This
In trying to minimize your weight, never remove so much lead that you cannot stay neutral at 15 feet at the end of your dive. That means you should be four to five pounds heavy at the beginning and should sink slowly even while inhaling.

There are even times when it would be wise to be a couple of pounds heavier than that. For example, when using a thick wetsuit for the first time, the neoprene itself will cause large buoyancy changes and if you are not careful in venting your BC as you ascend, you may need the extra lead to bring your ascent under control.





2008年5月11日 星期日

Nudibranch in Bohol


               Chromodoris Magnifica                             Notodoris Minor
                   Phyllidiopsis Shireenae                            Nembrotha chamberlaini

              Chromodoris Annae                                   Chromodoris Annae

                   Chelidonura Varians                                   (Flatworm)
                 Nemborotha Kubaryana                            Spanish Dancer

2008年5月10日 星期六


今次外潛買咗件4/5mm 的wetsuit,全程都很溫暖 .因為我是異常怕凍的,所以即使我件舊的 3/5mm ,係菲律賓四月有成27-28度水溫,我都會凍到腳指尾痺晒!

買4/5mm最唔好就係選擇少,冇乜顏色選擇.訂造又怕未必真係啱身,難得果日係dive shop一試呢件即啱!仲買埋新鞋,因為對舊嘅爛爛地 lu!

件衫 Virgin dive 時,因為厚咗,已經加多兩磅沿,8磅加到 10磅,但係都唔夠,結果要埋船再加多兩磅,擾擾攘攘一輪,落到水,就發現唔見咗亞 sir 送果個相機袋!(相機冇唔見)真係有d 唔開心,因為買唔番架!唉!不過每次外潛,總係會唔見野!



2008年5月9日 星期五

我的Log Book

最初去外潛,都喜歡買本 Log book 當 紀念品.不過有時 D Log book 唔係寫到好多,而且大細不一.所以去年開始自製了一本獨一無二的專有 Log book,可以自由發揮!

已用的 Log Book

唔捨得用嘅 Log book

自製 Log book,獨家專有!


2008年5月7日 星期三

Bohol 菲律賓

趁住 5.1 個假期,攞咗兩日大假,近近地去咗菲律賓.雖然話近,但係都一樣要飛機+車+船,再+車!連埋中間等的時間,足足 9 粒鍾至到 Resort.

未出發前都已經聽過 Bohol 係睇細野,不過其實係細野都唔多.可能又係因為地球氣溫變暖,水底的環境越來越差.不少珊瑚都有白化的現象.幸好,水好清(不至於水清無魚),而且頭兩日都好好陽光,只係第三日落雨.而凡事如果唔係期望過高,總會有些驚喜嘅!今次的驚喜就係侏儒海馬!不過因為以前已經見過,今次就冇乜影相喇!


Clown Frogfish

Frog fish

想睇多 D呀,睇呢到啦!® Bohol 相簿 

唔知係唔係出發前多野做,抵抗力差,又作感冒.連續三次外潛都係咁!我這個爛潛鬼第一晚已經唔敢Night 住.但係第二朝,都係鼻窒.攬咗好耐才反到壓.但其他人已距離好遠,只好開足Turbo 追.一路Buddy都問我 ok 唔 ok.我都話 ok,直到一下,個人有種"虛浮"的感覺,個腦有少少空白咁.定一定神,深呼吸了幾口氣.才給 ok手勢給buddy.事後才知中咗氮醉!可能因為水深多過 30米,又 fin 得快掛!

其實舊年去 Sangalaki 都試過有呢種感覺,仲以為自己唔舒服,現在知道原來氮醉就係咁都好 D !
